Chained Page 13
“She isn’t welcome here.” My father’s stern voice was abrupt, making my heart beat faster. “Why don’t you invite Victoria?”
Victoria was a girl close to me in age who was the daughter of our next potential Prime Minister. I didn’t like her very much, though, because she always looked down on people. “I don’t get along with her, Father.”
He sighed heavily. “You will have to learn. Whoever this...” He waved his hand around, “girl is, she isn’t welcome here.”
From out of nowhere, my anger rose. “But I like her. I want her here. She’s my friend.”
When he saw the fire in my eyes, he stepped forward and grabbed my wrist. “Listen here, you little bitch. I make the rules around here, not some snotty little kid. Get rid of her. You are not to mix with people like her!”
“That’s enough!” Uncle stood up and glared at my father. He saw the look in his eyes and immediately loosened his grip.
I pulled away, noticing now how painful my wrist was. He was holding onto it far more tightly than he should have been.
“Livy, maybe it’s best you let your friend know something has come up today.” I saw Uncle smiling at me tenderly, so I smiled back.
Despite feeling sad, I nodded. “I’ll go and tell her.”
I woke up the next morning, my alarm ringing in my ears. I ached all over and felt exhausted from a restless sleep. I didn’t sleep well without Kit with me, and all I did was have nightmare after nightmare about my dad. I always dreamt of him. Some nights were worse than others, but when I was worried about something, they seemed to get worse.
Stopping my alarm, I shook my head and got up. The day seemed cloudy, which just added to my already bad mood. I just hoped a good shower and a visit to the soup kitchen might do the trick. I had missed my guys and worried about Rachel after the beating she took. It was all the incentive I needed to get ready.
Once showered and dressed, I went about my normal routine. As usual, Tim was in the coffee shop once I arrived.
He gasped when he looked up and saw me, his smile bright. “Olivia, I’ve missed you. I’ve actually been worried about you.”
He motioned to another guy to take over his order and we walked to the end of the counter. “It was nothing. I just caught a virus and was in bed for a few days.”
Tim frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that. You should have called me. I would have gotten one of the guys to bring around some coffee for you.”
I smiled, thinking how kind that was. “That’s really sweet, Tim, but I would never want to impose.”
He gasped again. “Impose?” He leaned over the counter to whisper, “How could my favourite customer ever impose?”
I raised my eyebrow. “I bet you say that to all your customers.”
Tim straightened up and laughed. “Maybe…but they’re not as beautiful as you. So, what can I get you? The usual?” I nodded. “Coming right up.”
Once all was ready, I paid Tim and thanked him before heading out the door. I was feeling a little happier now that I was on my usual routine. During my depression phase, I had found that having a routine was a big thing for me. As long as I had one, I had purpose. That way, I wouldn’t be wallowing in my own self-pity.
As I rounded the corner towards the steps, I craned my neck, trying to see if I could spot everyone on their usual steps. I noticed Thomas straight away, Marcus sitting near him. Kit wasn’t in his usual spot but, after last night, I kind of gathered it would be that way. What surprised me even more was that Wayne and Rachel were nowhere to be found.
Thomas spotted me and immediately started walking in my direction. I knew there was something wrong. The look on his face didn’t bode well.
“Thomas, what’s wrong?”
He rubbed his hand over his face. He looked like he’d been up all night. “Shit hit the fucking fan last night.”
My body immediately tensed. “What do you mean?”
Thomas motioned for me to sit with them, so I did. I handed them their drinks and waited for Thomas to carry on.
“Wayne’s been looking for that punk who beat up Rachel. He was a determined little fucker, I’ll give him that. Well, long story short, he got lucky last night. He beat the man half to death and the guy’s on life support now.”
I gasped, almost dropping my coffee on my lap. “What happened after? I mean, where are they both now?”
Thomas took a sip of his drink, so Marcus intervened, “Wayne was still beating him when the cops showed up.”
I looked over at him. “So he’s in police custody?”
Marcus nodded. “Facing aggravated assault charges and possibly even attempted murder.”
I looked away. “Shit.”
Thomas snorted. “My fucking sentiments exactly.”
“So where’s Rachel?”
Marcus shrugged. “No one knows. We assumed she may be down at the police station with him, but we haven’t heard from her since yesterday.”
This worried me a little. I hoped they were right about Rachel. She had been through enough as it was without all this.
I put my coffee cup down, then took out a pen and piece of paper from my handbag. I started writing. “Please, if you hear any news, can you ring me on this number?” I took out a five pound note, holding both out to Tim.
He looked down at the money, then up at me. “I don’t need that. I can call you without that.”
Grabbing his hand, I placed both items in his palm. “Please,” I begged.
He looked into my eyes for a moment and shook his head. “Oh, fuck. I could never resist a woman who begs like that.”
I laughed a little, but the laughter was short-lived. “Just promise me you’ll call if you hear anything.”
His smile faded and he gripped my hand. “I promise.”
I smiled and got up. “Thanks.” I looked towards the doors of the soup kitchen. “Well, I better get inside. Do you know anyone who might appreciate these extra drinks?”
Thomas smiled. “I’m sure we’ll find someone. Thank you, Olivia. As always.”
I nodded and made my way up the stairs to start my day. Tammy was there, smiling. I was never sure whether her smiles were genuine or not.
“Morning, Olivia. How are you feeling? I hope better.”
I nodded with a smile as I hung my coat up and placed my bag down. “I’m fine now, thank you. I’m not sure what it was, but it certainly had me in bed for a few days.”
Tammy regarded me for a moment. “Hmm… Well, I’m glad you’re here now. It’s been super busy these past few days.”
With that, she walked off. Yeah, not sure whether that was genuine or not.
I had been at the bar for the past three hours and have been rushed off my feet. These girls at the Hen party sure know how to put them away. They also sure know how to take them out. They had done so often enough for drooling Charlie boy, who was smiling from ear to ear behind the bar. If I had a pound for every time I rolled my eyes tonight, I’d be rich.
“Woohoo! Charlie, my darling, another round over here, please. Show us what you got!” The girl shouting this was about Charlie’s age. She was pretty, in her mid-twenties, and sported some rather large breasts, which Charlie had been eye-fucking all night.
Oh god. There was that eye roll again. I walked up to Charlie, who was smiling and getting the drinks ready. “Come on, Charlie. Show them what you got.” I raised my eyebrow at him and he bent down to my ear.
“Help me.” His voice actually sounded pleading.
I patted his back. “Oh, I think you got this okay.”
His eyes widened. “Olivia, seriously. If you don’t help me, I may get eaten alive here.”
I started laughing. “Charlie Charmer, what am I going to do with you? You do realise this is all your fault, don’t you?”
He turned to Megan, another part-time bartender he had called in for the night. Charlie thought we could do this between the two of us, but had to admit defeat about an hour
“Megan, you’ll help me, won’t you?”
A sudden shrill voice sounded from the group of girls. “Ooo, Charlie! Come over here and let us feel those muscles.” The woman shouting was larger than life. She must have been in her mid-forties, but she was dressed like a twenty-year-old.
“Yeah, Charlie. What other muscles do you have that we can feel up, ha?” This came from her chubby friend sitting next to her.
They went into a fit of giggles, and Charlie visibly winced. At that moment, I felt sorry for him. If it was a bunch of men doing this to me, it would be a different story.
I placed my hand on his arm and he stopped what he was doing to look at me. I grabbed his neck and pulled him to me for a kiss. I didn’t mean to act so impulsively. It just seemed like the best way to help him. I heard a mixture of cheers and grumbles coming from behind us as Charlie went rigid. Pretty soon, though, he gripped me tightly to him and tried invading my mouth with his tongue. I was trying to be a friend and help him, but Charlie obviously had other ideas.
I couldn’t push him away because that would look too obvious. Instead, I reached my hand up where the ladies couldn’t see and pinched the end of his ear. He pulled back and stared at me, a mixture of lust and shock in his eyes. I gave him a stern look, then turned to the ladies with a smile.
“I’m the only one who gets to feel his…muscles. Sorry, ladies.” They all grumbled, but seemed to leave Charlie alone after that.
“I think Charlie’s in shock.”
I turned to Megan, who was smiling. I looked over her shoulder to find Charlie scratching his head and looking at me.
“That must be a first.”
Megan giggled and glanced his way. “Poor boy doesn’t know what to do with himself.”
I grabbed a few dirty glasses and placed them into the dishwasher. “I’m sure he’ll think of something. He always does. Maybe he’ll get lucky with big boobs over there.” I motioned to the girl Charlie had been gawking at all night. Well, not exactly her. More like her two lady friends on her chest.
Megan shook her head with a laugh. “If he does, she’s a right slut. That’s the girl who’s getting married tomorrow.”
My eyes widened. “Wow! She’s been all over Charlie tonight.”
Megan nodded. “I know. It’s bad, isn’t it? Why get married if you’re going to act like that? I wonder what her husband-to-be would think.”
I shrugged. “Well, you never know. Maybe they have that kind of relationship. I don’t understand it myself, but I would never judge it.”
Charlie approached us and looked at Megan with a frown. “Umm… Megan, can you cover for us for a moment.”
Megan’s eyes widened as she looked between Charlie and me with a small frown. “Er… Sure.”
Charlie looked over at me and motioned to the back. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
Oh shit. Was I in trouble for kissing him like that? He was my boss, after all. I probably shouldn’t have overstepped, but I considered Charlie a friend before anything else. It still didn’t stop me from mentally beating myself up about it, though. It was unprofessional of me.
I nodded, feeling awkward, and shrugged as I passed Megan on the way to the back of the bar. He walked down the hallway to his office and stopped to open the door for me. Once inside, he shut the door behind him.
“Holy shit, Olivia. What was that?”
I put my hands out to placate him. “I’m sorry, Charlie. I was just trying to help you. I didn’t mean to step over the line—”
I had no more time to explain because he stepped forward and pulled me in for another kiss.
Too shocked for words, I stood there for a moment, rigid, as he tried to coax his tongue into my mouth again.
That was all I needed to push him away. “Charlie, stop. You don’t know what you’re doing.”
Charlie nodded, breathless. “Oh yes, I do. I’ve been wanting to do that ever since the day you stepped into my bar looking for a job. I want you, Olivia. Can’t you see how much?”
I shook my head and tried to push him away, but he held me in a strong grip. Charlie was about to kiss me again when he was suddenly yanked away.
It took me a second to process everything, but when Kit put Charlie in a strangle hold, it was enough to snap me out of it.
“Kit! Stop!”
Kit glared at me. “He was forcing himself on you, even though you told him to stop.”
I ran up to him and placed my hand on his arm. “Please, stop. He didn’t know what he was doing. I helped him in the bar area with those girls and things just got out of hand.”
Kit released his choke hold. Charlie hunched over, grabbing his neck and coughing. I rushed over to place my arm around Charlie, helping him to the sofa.
Kit’s nostrils flared. “What do you mean, ‘things got out of hand’?”
Once I knew Charlie was okay, I got up and walked over to Kit. “Those girls out there were all over him tonight, so I led them to believe he and I were together.”
Kit’s jaw tensed as he looked toward Charlie, then back at me. “How?”
I threw my hands up. “Does it matter?”
Kit grit his teeth. “How?”
“Olivia, who is this guy?” Charlie got up, but Kit stepped forward, stopping him. Charlie was in no way small, but he certainly didn’t compare to Kit. He was practically a giant next to Charlie.
“None of your fucking business.”
I gasped. I had never heard Kit talk to anyone like that.
“You got that wrong, pal. Olivia is my business. She works here.”
Kit stepped forward. “As your employee, not your girlfriend. You’ve stepped way over the fucking line.”
I placed my hand on Kit to stop him from lunging at him.
“I know!” Charlie shouted. “I only did it because I want her.”
I stood in between the two men. “Charlie, that was never going to happen. I’m not the type of girl to sleep around. I don’t do those types of relationships.”
Charlie timidly looked into my eyes. “I know. I just can’t help myself around you.”
Kit growled behind me. “That doesn’t give you an excuse to force yourself on her.” He was seething. I could tell that if I didn’t defuse the situation, it would get out of hand.
Swallowing, I turned. “Kit, calm down. I think we should leave.” I was doing this for Charlie’s benefit. I didn’t want to see him get hurt.
I turned to Charlie, begging him with my eyes. He stared for a moment, then nodded. “Okay, you can go. I’m sorry, Olivia. I didn’t mean to come on so strong.”
Kit moved forward, so I placed my hand on his chest. “No.” I glared at him to let Kit know I meant business.
Kit huffed, but took my hand and led me out the door. I grabbed my things, quickly saying goodbye to Megan. She looked completely bewildered and, surprisingly enough, so did the girls sitting at the table.
Making a mental note to text Charlie later, I walked outside and put on my coat. The minute I had everything sorted, Kit grabbed my hand and pulled me towards home.
“Kit, calm down. It’s not what you think.”
Kit growled a little, which kept me quiet. He was extremely mad and talking to him only seemed to add fuel to the fire.
We reached my house and, as usual, Kit opened the gate for me. I had the key in the door and opened it, assuming Kit had already left. I was surprised when I turned and he was coming through the door after me. He shut it behind him and stalked towards me.
Grabbing my waist, he pulled me towards him. The kiss was aggressive, assertive, and damn right sexy. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and I accepted it with a moan. Kit’s chest rumbled slightly as he frantically tried pulling my coat off. I let him take me roughly because I was under his deep spell. Every part of my body wanted him, craved him. I was desperate to feel his body on mine. Desperate to feel his every touch. Desperate to have him buried deep inside me.
Kit pushed me
up against the wall and claimed my mouth with another assertive kiss. Our breathing was harsh and our bodies hummed in sweet anticipation.
Kit broke away, kissing and gently biting my neck. At first, I was lost in the moment, but when he tried to lift my skirt, clarity hit me like a ton of bricks.
“Kit, stop.”
I don’t think he heard because he continued pushing his hand up my thigh, reaching between my legs.
“Kit! Stop!” I slapped him hard across the face and he abruptly pulled away, standing on the other side of the hall. His eyes were wide and his breathing harsh as we stared at each other.
I shook my head with tears in my eyes. Suddenly being away from him, even at this short distance, felt painful.
“Not like this,” I whispered. “Not like this.”
I wanted him. My god, did I want him, but not under these circumstances. Not because he got jealous and wanted to claim me. I wanted our relationship to start on something better than that. I would gladly let him take me up against the wall. I would let him take me how he wanted me, but not under these circumstances. Not because of frustration and anger.
Kit’s eyes widened when he saw my expression. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but it hardly surprised me when, after the look of pure pain in his eyes, he turned and walked out the door.
Once I heard the gate closing, I sank to the floor and cried. I was falling for Kit. I didn’t know anything about him, but I was haunted by him. Day and night, he consumed my thoughts and invaded my dreams.
After a couple minutes of sitting on the floor, I was about to get up when I heard my phone ping. Fetching it out of my bag, I noticed a message from Charlie.
Is everything ok? I’m so sorry about tonight.
I sighed, thinking how sorry I was. It was all my fault I got us into this mess tonight. I hit REPLY.
Everything’s fine, Charlie. We’ll talk soon. xx
I sighed, thinking it was just as well things took the turn they did tonight. I always knew he wanted to be friends with benefits, but that was never going to happen. I know I’d slept with that guy that one time, but it was just to lose my virginity. Lord knows why I was so desperate to lose it to just anybody. I guess my head wasn’t in the right frame of mind back then. If I could change it, I would, but I think a part of me at the time wanted to feel a connection. Any connection. It didn’t matter to me that someone was using my body to get their rocks off. I just wanted to feel anything but the emotional pain of seeing my father’s lifeless, dull eyes staring back at me time and time again. I wanted to be numb. I wanted an escape.